
Norway and Germany take next step in hydrogen cooperation

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Norway and Germany have now agreed to set up a joint Task Force to follow up the results of an ongoing joint feasibility study, which is looking into possibilities to transport hydrogen and CO2 between Germany and Norway.

Norway and Germany share a common intent to ensure a large-scale supply of hydrogen from Norway to Germany by 2030, together with the necessary infrastructure. Based on a step-by-step approach, we will explore the technical and economic feasibility of such solutions.

“In January, we formed a joint partnership aimed at creating new green industries and jobs and enhancing energy security and the circular economy. It is an important step forward that we now continue the work through a joint Task Force. Working together is the most effective way to achieve our common goals of green industrialisation and lower emissions” says the Minister of Trade and Industries, Jan Christian Vestre. 

The industry-led joint feasibility study explores the technical and economic feasibility of large-scale hydrogen supply solutions, in particular through a large-scale pipeline. In a second part the study also includes solutions for CO2 transport from Germany to Norway. The feasibility study is undertaken by Gassco and dena (Deutsche Energie-Agentur) on behalf of the industry, and includes a large number of industrial partners.

 “The joint feasibility study has come a long way in a short period of time. With the Task Force we take the next step to reach our common goal, i.e. the large-scale supply of hydrogen from Norway to Germany from 2030. My ministry will work closely with our Norwegian partners to overcome the challenges for the establishment of the hydrogen market and to ensure that the pipeline infrastructure for hydrogen between our countries is in place by 2030,” says the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck.

“Norway wants to actively contribute to the development of hydrogen market in Germany and the EU. The way forward in maturing a value chain must focus on securing long-term market-based agreements between industrial actors enabling the establishment of sufficient of supply and demand,” says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland.

Both countries are aware that creating profitable value chains and a functioning European hydrogen market will present substantial challenges on both the producer and the recipient side. We will establish a Task Force to follow up on the results from the feasibility studies in order to address these challenges and accelerate the development of the necessary framework with the common goal to have the required infrastructure for hydrogen in operation by 2030. The Task Force will look into all aspects of the different alternatives, including exploring potential synergies between different projects in the North Sea; identify barriers, and provide recommendations for how to overcome them.