
Norway donates additional air defence systems to Ukraine

This content is more than 1 year old.

Norway will donate additional NASAMS air defence systems to Ukraine to the sum of 335 million NOK. Some will be donated from Norway´s own storage in order to ensure fast delivery to Ukraine, while additional systems will be ordered from the industry for later delivery.

Skarpskyting med NASAMS på Nordmela rakettskytefelt under øvelse Formidable Shield 2023.
Skarpskyting med NASAMS på Nordmela rakettskytefelt under øvelse Formidable Shield 2023. Credit: Martin Mellquist / Forsvaret

-Air defence systems are of vital importance to Ukraine. The Ukrainian government is asking for more air defence in order to defend themselves, states Defence minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp).

Russian forces frequently attack with both drones and missiles, so continued support through shipment of air defence equipment is important. Norway has donated NASMAS air defence to Ukraine in the past on multiple occasions. The donations have been greatly appreciated by Ukraine and they have proven to be highly effective.

-The Norwegian NASAMS systems have great accuracy. This will aid in saving Ukrainian lives and prevent further destruction of infrastructure. Air defence is also an important factor in protecting military personnel in the battle field, says Defence minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp).

Donating from Norwegian reserves first

Due to the urgency for Ukraine to receive more air defence systems, Norway has decided to donate even more NASAMS equipment from the armed forces own reserves. Comprehensive assessments of the Norwegian military show that we are able to donate these systems without lowering the ability to defend ourself, hence the governments choice.

-The equipment can be sent within a relatively short time and will be crucial to strengthening the air defence against Russian attacks this winter. These are challenging assessments, but Ukraine has significant needs for support, and it is crucial for everyone's safety that Russia does not succeed in its warfare, says Gram.

More ordered from industries

Not only will the donations come from our own supplies, but the government has also decided to donate eight more launch systems and four more fire direction centres for NASAMS. This amounts to the same number of systems that Norway have donated previously.

– The new systems will be ordered as soon as possible. The donations will take place some time ahead, says Gram.