Joint Expeditionary Force:
Minister of Defence's introduction at the JEF Press Meeting in Oslo
Speech/statement | Date: 15/06/2022 | Ministry of Defence
Joint Expeditionary Force – comprising Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK – met in Oslo June 15. 2022.

Minister, all, welcome to this press meeting,
We are in the midst of a very critical time for European and international security, and it is of special importance to come together and discuss issues of mutual concern, and to demonstrate cohesion.
The last couple of days in Oslo, we have had a Ministerial meeting and a Table Top Exercise.
The main topic on our agenda has been the security challenges in our region.
During the exercise, we have explored and discussed how we would work together if a crisis should occur.
Both the meeting and the exercise have showed us that our countries are able and willing to work together to face our shared security threats and challenges in our region.
There is no doubt that we are stronger together.
Almost four months have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. This war will leave a permanent impact not only on Ukraine, but on Europe as a whole.
With the challenges and threats we are facing today, having allies and friends have never been more important.
Through our cooperation in the JEF, we are demonstrating allied cohesion and resolve, and our will to stand together to deter and counter our shared threats and challenges.
The Joint Expeditionary Force is important for Norway.
Let me now introduce my colleague, the British Secretary of State for Defence, Ben Wallace. UK is the lead nation for the Joint Expeditionary Force, where ten like-minded, Northern European countries have come together to strengthen our common security in our region.
I want to thank you – Ben – for the UK’s great leadership, and for excellent cooperation within this framework.
I would now like to give the floor to you, Ben.